
賀張惟婷同學,榮獲國際知名設計大賽2007 Red Dot Design Concept大獎

▲Play Card

▲Play Card


賀張惟婷同學,榮獲國際知名設計大賽2007 Red Dot Design Concept大獎


  本系張惟婷同學,在蕭坤安、許育群、劉奕伯三位本系老師的指導下,她所設計的作品"Play Card"榮獲國際設計大賽2007 Red Dot Design Concept大獎,該獎項大多為具規模之企業、設計公司及專業設計師競爭獲獎,張惟婷同學能以大學部學生參賽獲獎,實屬不易,亦為台灣及本校爭光不少。
  德國Red Dot Design Award (http://www.red-dot.de/)與日本Good Design Award G-mark、德國漢諾威iF獎並列世界三大設計獎項,評審委員從美感、實用性、創意等選擇出最好的產品。來自德國,擁有五十年歷史的全球知名設計獎項紅點設計獎,創始至今全球每年有超過40個國家、4000名設計高手參賽,在產品設計、工業設計上極具權威聲望。
以下是張惟婷同學"Play Card"的設計及特色說明,提供大家參考:

  Inspired by Airfix model kits, Play Card is a toy gun with play targets that could be assembled quickly and conveniently.
  Play Card draws inspiration from the Airfix model kits, and is based on the idea of two-dimensional images being transformed into three-dimensional objects and toys. The designer's childhood memory of a toy gun was taken as the conceptual inspiration for Play Card. Parts of the toy gun, such as the barrel, butt, trigger, as well as two play-targets, are laid out on a plastic board, and the shapes surrounded by perforated dotted lines. A cheap, simple, and elastic material called P.P. is used. P.P. enables the laser cutter to make indentations of different intensities on it easily. Play Card makes a fun game for teenagers and adults alike. Its compact form allows it to be sent as a gift. Upon receiving it, the user is able to tear out and assemble the toy easily.

